Communications and PR

The future of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) is taking shape as we speak. In fact, ESG factors have gained significant momentum in recent years, shaping the way investors and companies make decisions. With climate change and social inequality at the forefront of global discussions,...

Ask keynote speakers and corporate training consultants and they'll tell you that the world of professional services is rapidly evolving, and the future looks bright for those who can adapt to the changing landscape. In the past, professional services firms were known for their expertise...

The future of the entertainment industry is moving more towards streaming media of all kinds (music, movies, TV, games, etc.), and it's not showing any signs of slowing down. The rise of streaming services, the introduction of virtual and augmented reality, and the growing influence...

The telecommunications industry is constantly evolving, and new advancements continuing to reshape how we communicate and connect with one another. In the coming years, we can expect to see the following trends shaping the future of telecommunications and wireless offerings.Firstly, the shift towards 5G networks...

In the wake of the pandemic and widespread digital transformation, the food and beverage industry continues to evolve and transform, with new trends emerging that are reshaping the way we eat and drink. From plant-based proteins to functional foods and beverages, consumers are looking for...

Ask a marketing keynote speaker and they'llĀ  tell you: The future of online, digital, and mobile promotions has evolved significantly in recent years, and the future of marketing is set to be even more transformative. Case in point: If you think about it, social media...

The future of beauty, fashion, and cosmetics continues to look brighter and more inclusive with each passing day. In addition, as consumers become more conscious about the ingredients in their beauty products and the impact of these products on the environment, companies are responding by...

As associations keynote speakers and futurists, we're often asked: What's the future of association management? After all, associations have been around for centuries, serving as networks for individuals with shared interests and goals. However, the future of associations is likely to look vastly different from...

What's the future of HR? After all, may help to remember that field of human resources (HR) has evolved significantly in recent years, and the pace of change shows no signs of slowing down. With advances in technology, changes in workforce trends, and shifting attitudes...