Build Customer Trust and Loyalty by Enhancing User Experience – Customers are more informed, choosier, and more demanding than ever, even as trust in leading brands is being eroded and an ever-growing number of rivals are often just a click or call away. Organizations can offset these challenges by delivering a superior customer or user experience (CX or UX), which can speak to the quality of content and educational materials provided; level of privacy and security offered; ease of use and interaction; response times and degree of support; time, money, and effort saved; etc. and/or any combination of all of the above. We were tapped by a client to think about how they might provide future-focused solutions that can help you build trust and loyalty and give customers experiences that they won’t just love, but will also rave to friends and family about.

Maintaining Customer Privacy and Data Protection – Cybercrime is the fastest growing form of criminal activity today and attacks on organizations occur every 11 seconds, with hundreds of new threats being introduced every minute. At the same time, only a small fraction of companies feel well-equipped to safeguard customers’ privacy and information, even as customers are becoming ever-warier due to growing news and headlines surrounding hacks and data breaches. Thankfully, partners are increasingly asking us to think about the variety of services and solutions that they can provide that can help you safeguard your business against an unprecedented rise in digital hazards.

Make Your Supply Chain Leaner and Greener – Stakeholders of all kinds (customers, investors, employees, etc.) are demanding that your business make sustainability more of a priority. Luckily, there are many ways to give your supply chain a green makeover. For example: Switching to electric vehicles. Shifting to recyclable packaging. Adopting renewable energy sources. Auditing resource usage and optimizing to reduce waste. Implementing ESG policies, metrics, and guidelines. Reconfiguring manufacturing processes. Consolidating shipments into fewer groupings. Rethinking your transportation network. Reducing idling and emissions. We were asked by a client to provide business leaders with a comprehensive overview and walkthrough of various concrete actions that they can be taking to make supply chains more sustainable and efficient.