As artificial intelligence (AI) systems become more advanced and integrated into various aspects of society, managing the related risks and building trust in these systems is crucial. AI trust refers to the confidence users and stakeholders have that technology systems will perform reliably, safely, securely, ethically, and in accordance with social norms and values. But there are various risks and challenges associated with AI that can erode trust if not properly addressed.

A core part of managing AI risks and trust lies in AI security. Like any technology, AI systems can have vulnerabilities that malicious actors may seek to exploit. For example, attackers could manipulate training data to introduce biases and flaws into AI decision-making. They could also steal sensitive data used to develop intelligent models. Physical AI systems such as robots could additionally be tampered with to operate in dangerous ways contrary to their intended function.

To mitigate such risks, organizations need to make AI security a priority from initial design through deployment and operation. Best practices would be along the likes of secure engineering, testing systems for vulnerabilities, monitoring systems once in production, controlling access to sensitive data and systems, and having plans to update systems when new threats emerge. Organizations also need to ensure they comply with relevant laws and regulations regarding AI risks.

Beyond security, managing societal-level risks from AI also involves ethics and governance. As AI is deployed in high-stakes domains like healthcare, transportation, finance and law enforcement, ethical risks like biased decisions, lack of transparency, and erosion of human accountability can undermine trust and acceptance. Organizations must therefore assess AI systems for alignment with ethical and cultural norms, be transparent in their AI practices, involve diverse stakeholders, and allow for human oversight and control.

At a broader level, public-private partnerships, government oversight bodies and regulations, voluntary industry standards, and initiatives to support the responsible development of AI will also play a vital role in fostering trust and managing emerging risks. The concepts of trustworthy AI and responsible AI encapsulate this multifaceted approach that combines security, ethics and sound governance of smart technologies.

Managing AI risks and trust is an immense challenge, but a necessary one to ensure these powerful technologies benefit humanity. With a robust, integrated approach across security, ethics and governance, smart tech systems can be developed responsibly, benefit people and society, and earn justified public confidence in this transformative technology.