No wonder banking expert witness consultants for reports and trial testimony are so popular as of late. Watching DeFi and embedded finance models rapidly transform the financial services landscape, it’s clear that search firms will only be booking more banking expert witness providers going forward to share thoughts on:

  1. Open Banking Architectures and API Ecosystems – Looks at architectures, protocols, integration patterns, data access regimes, and API management practices enabling secure connectivity between financial institutions and authorized third parties.
  2. Open Data Sharing Models and Consent Frameworks – Establishing robust customer consent capture mechanisms while ensuring data privacy, implementing data ethics principles, and aligning with data portability guidelines are areas where banking expert witness firms provide clarifying guidance.
  3. Open Banking Security and Authentication Standards – Maintaining a secure open banking ecosystem is critical. Consultants advise on advanced authentication schemes, token vaulting, consent management security patterns, logging practices, encryption standards, penetration testing strategies, and more.
  4. Regulatory Compliance Landscapes – As open policies rapidly evolve across jurisdictions, banking expert witnesses analyze current requirements like PSD2, CDR, and the CFPB’s Section 1033 rule – while anticipating future regulatory shifts related to data rights, third-party oversight, operational resilience standards, and more.
  5. Open Banking Monetization and Partnership Strategies – Creating new revenue streams via embedded financial services, premium API product development, banking-as-a-service plays, and strategic ecosystem partnerships demands open banking monetization guidance that consultants provide.
  6. Alternative Data and Open Finance Use Cases – The ability to leverage alternative data, transaction insights, and open finance ecosystems is disrupting lending, payments, wealth management, insurance, and other verticals. Top banking expert witness providers evaluate innovative open banking-powered opportunities.
  7. Decentralized Identity and Self-Sovereign Finance – At the bleeding edge, experts explore synergies between open banking and paradigm shifts like decentralized identities, verifiable credentials, self-sovereign wallets, and trustless cross-border data flows enabled by emerging Web3 technologies.


Regardless of if thoughts are on disputed open banking partnerships, unauthorized data access, fintech compliance violations, platform failures, intellectual property conflicts, or formulating future-proof open finance strategies, law firms look to veteran open banking experts and consultants’ specialized knowledge for input.