Brand purpose hints at the aspirational, values-driven reason a company exists beyond simply generating profits. It captures the meaningful, positive impact a brand strives to make in the world to improve people’s lives. The concept of brand purpose defines the motivational core mission guiding a business to help customers and communities in some way.

Discovering and declaring brand purpose has become increasingly important for modern companies looking to build ethical connections, trust and loyalty with consumers through corporate transparency and conscience. Purpose acts as an inspirational north star shaping decisions, product innovation, customer service approach, company culture, societal/environmental commitment and more.

Case in point: A fitness brand’s purpose could highlight empowering personal health and wellbeing. An athletic wear company may focus purpose on enabling human potential through movement and perseverance. Similarly, a food brand may spotline sourcing sustainable ingredients to responsibly nourish families. The most resonant purposes meet customer needs while also elevating humanity.

At its foundation, brand purpose captures a company’s reason for being beyond chasing sales, margins and shareholder returns. It directly links the brand to identifiable, meaningful customer and social needs showing how the business substantively improves lives based on core competencies. That inspires customer connection by underscoring shared convictions.

Communicating purpose both externally and internally helps guide business practices and cultivate brand affinity. Marketing with purpose helps forge emotional connections with customers. Weaving purpose throughout internal policies and processes emboldens employee motivation and retention as well. Such unity provides consistency and accountability to make good on purpose promises.

In today’s increasingly transparent information environment, brand purpose also halo effects perceptions of a company’s trustworthiness and social conscience. Customers expect brands to act responsibly and contribute value to overlooked issues. Championing a compassionate purpose through deeds boosts reputation and buyer preference.

To bring it together brand purpose spotlights the positive societal role a company aspires to play through its products, initiatives and core business model. It injects meaning into capitalistic exchange by showcasing dedication to improving people’s quality of life in tangible ways that transcend transactions. The concept answers why the brand exists for both customers and employees beyond earnings.