The position of Chief Culture Officer (CCO) has become increasingly popular in recent years, especially in large corporations and organizations. Like I frequently point out as a futurist keynote speaker, these senior leaders are effectively responsible for managing and shaping a company’s culture, which includes values, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. This role is critical because culture can have a significant impact on employee engagement, customer satisfaction, and the overall success of a business.

As we turn our gazes towards tomorrow, it’s clear that the role of CCO will continue to be a deeply impactful one, and we can expect some major changes in the way this position’s work is defined and executed.

By way of illustration, I can tell that there’s already a shift happening towards a more data-driven approach to culture management. Traditionally, corporate culture has been something that was difficult to measure and quantify. However, with advancements in technology and the availability of big data, it’s now possible to analyze and measure it (at least to some extent) in much the same way we measure other business metrics.

Leadership teams will be expected to use data analytics and other tools to understand the current state of their organization’s culture and identify areas where improvement is needed more often in coming years. They’ll also need to work closely with HR and other departments to gather data, analyze it, and develop strategies for improving culture based on the insights they uncover.

Also, I can tell you that Chief Culture Officers are putting more of their time and efforts today towards promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in culture management as well. In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the importance of DEI in the workplace, and many companies have made significant efforts to improve in this area. CCOs will need to be at the forefront of these efforts, working to create a culture that values and promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion.

To achieve this, senior execs will need to work closely with other departments, including HR, legal, and marketing, to develop and implement policies and initiatives that promote understanding, awareness, and inclusivity – as well as empathy and soft skills training. Moreover, they’ll also need to be able to communicate the importance of DEI to company leaders and employees and ensure that everyone understands their role in creating a more inclusive culture.

Given that more employees are now working from home or other remote locations, it will also be more challenging to create and maintain a strong organizational culture for CCOs going forward. Finding success in their role demands finding new ways to connect with employees and foster a sense of community and belonging, even when everyone is working in different locations.

One way to achieve this is through the use of technology. Leadership teams, for instance, can now leverage tools like videoconferencing, collaboration platforms, and social media to create virtual communities where staffers can connect and engage with each other. They can also use data analytics to track employee engagement and identify areas where remote employees may be feeling disconnected or disengaged.