Choosing and Hiring Keynote Speakers: 10 Tips for Meeting Event Planners

Choosing and Hiring Keynote Speakers: 10 Tips for Meeting Event Planners

As a meeting planner, securing the right keynote speaker is imperative. A captivating keynote speaker has the power to inspire, educate, and leave a lasting impact on your attendees.But with the vast array of presenters available, choosing the perfect fit can be a daunting task. To ensure a memorable and impactful event, follow these 10 tips for choosing and hiring exceptional keynote speakers:

  1. Define your event goals and audience: Clearly understand your event’s objectives, theme, and target audience before beginning your speaker search. This will help you identify speakers whose message and expertise align with your attendees’ interests and expectations.
  2. Establish a budget: Fees can run the entire spectrum, so establish a realistic budget upfront. This will help you narrow your search and focus on speakers within your financial means.
  3. Research and assess potential speakers – Conduct thorough research on potential speakers. Review their bios, speaking topics, videos of past presentations, and audience feedback to assess their suitability and speaking style.
  4. Consider diversity and inclusion – Aim for a diverse range of speakers who can bring different perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds to your event, fostering an inclusive and enriching experience for all attendees.
  5. Prioritize engaging storytellers – While expertise is crucial, look for speakers who are skilled storytellers. Engaging narratives and personal anecdotes can captivate audiences and make complex topics more relatable and memorable.
  6. Seek relevant industry expertise – Choose speakers with relevant industry expertise and thought leadership. Their insights and knowledge can provide attendees with valuable takeaways and actionable strategies.
  7. Evaluate logistical requirements – Consider the logistical requirements of potential speakers, such as travel arrangements, audio-visual needs, and any special accommodations they may require.
  8. Negotiate terms and secure agreements – Once you’ve identified your top choice, negotiate the terms and fees, and secure the speaker’s commitment with a formal agreement or contract.
  9. Promote and build anticipation – Leverage the speaker’s presence as a selling point for your event. Promote their participation through marketing channels to generate excitement and drive attendance.
  10. Foster open communication – Maintain open communication with your keynote speaker before and during the event. Provide them with event details, attendee profiles, and any specific expectations to ensure a seamless and successful presentation.

Through following these tips, meeting planners can navigate the process of choosing and hiring keynote speakers with confidence. Selecting the right speaker can elevate your event, leaving attendees inspired, informed, and eager to implement the knowledge and insights gained. Remember, a captivating keynote speaker can be the catalyst for a truly memorable and impactful event experience.