Conference facilitators, MCs and moderators are often found at corporate meetings and conventions. Meetings are essential components of many organizations, after all, helping when it comes to facilitating communication, collaboration, and decision-making. And so MICE pros often rely on the best conference facilitators to help achieve their objectives. Leaders are skilled professionals who guide the participants through the agenda, encourage engagement, and ensure productive outcomes. What say we explore the types of work projects that meeting planners commonly assign to experts in the field.

1. Agenda Facilitation: MICE pros book conference facilitators to lead the participants through the meeting agenda. That means introducing topics, managing time effectively, and ensuring that discussions remain focused and productive. Moderators use various techniques, such as fostering open dialogue, summarizing key points, and keeping the conversation on track.

2. Group Discussions and Breakout Sessions: Meeting planners frequently incorporate group discussions and breakout sessions into their conference agendas. In these settings, conference facilitators are tasked with guiding small groups through specific topics or problem-solving exercises. Pros encourage participation, manage group dynamics, and synthesize the outcomes for presentation to the larger audience.

3. Consensus Building: Many conferences aim to reach consensus on critical issues or decisions. Moderators aid in this process by ensuring that all perspectives are heard, facilitating respectful dialogue, and helping the group identify common ground. Leaders employ techniques such as brainstorming, prioritization exercises, and decision-making frameworks to achieve consensus.

4. Team Building and Icebreakers: Building a cohesive and engaged team is essential for productive meetings and conferences. Programmers often enlist conference facilitators to lead team-building activities and icebreakers. These exercises help participants connect, build trust, and foster a collaborative environment, setting the tone for productive discussions and decision-making.

5. Conflict Resolution: Disagreements and conflicts can arise during meetings and conferences, especially when addressing complex or contentious topics. Pros are skilled in conflict resolution techniques, enabling them to diffuse tensions, facilitate constructive dialogue, and guide the group towards mutually acceptable solutions.

6. Ideation and Innovation Sessions: In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, organizations must continually innovate and generate new ideas. Meeting planners may task conference facilitators with leading ideation and innovation sessions, employing techniques such as design thinking, brainstorming, and scenario planning to stimulate creative thinking and generate novel solutions.

7. Training and Skill Development: Conferences often incorporate training and skill development components. Experts tend to also be enlisted to deliver interactive training sessions, workshops, or skill-building exercises. Rxpertise in adult learning principles, engaging delivery methods, and hands-on activities ensures that participants acquire new knowledge and skills effectively.

Meeting planners and conference facilitators work in tandem to create impactful and productive events. By leveraging the facilitation skills and expertise of conference facilitators, meeting planners can ensure that their conferences achieve their intended objectives, foster collaboration, and drive meaningful outcomes for their organizations.