Education keynote speakers and schools, colleges, and university futurists make no secret about it: The future of education, training, and professional development is rapidly changing right before our eyes. In fact, the skills that you’ll need to succeed in tomorrow’s commercial marketplace (and workplace) will look radically different than today’s. On top of it, Millennials, Gen Z, and other new generations think, work, and learn differently from prior generations as well. Noting this, as education keynote speakers and futurists for colleges, schools, and university-level institutions, we advise that you keep the following in mind:

Education – While experts are growingly calling for us to rethink the fundamental value of an advanced degree, and student loans can quickly add up, a master’s or PhD degree can often help boost your salary, and grow your career prospects. Similarly, if you own a small business, you can deduct many educational expenses related to your craft from your taxes, and find cost-effective ways to expand your skill set without breaking the bank. When considering options here, don’t just weigh the financial costs involved, but also the opportunity costs associated with taking on added schoolwork, and how well-accredited any given institution, degree, or learning certificate is. Regardless, an investment in education is an investment in yourself, and growing your professional toolkit. If it helps you add new skills, talents, and experiences that you can mix and match in novel ways to greater effect? Signing up to grab your cap and gown may be worth every penny you spend on those @#$! overpriced textbooks.

Career Development – Like education keynote speakers and futurists for colleges, schools, and university-level programs also note: Your education shouldn’t begin and end at the real-world or virtual classroom door either. Even after you’ve found gainful employment, to future-proof yourself, boost your career prospects, and make yourself more essential to employers, remember. It’s important to constantly invest in growing your talents, insights, and capabilities, and finding ways to both expand your professional network and stand out on the job. By investing in professional development, you can not only set yourself up to receive promotions on the job, which provide a 9.3% salary increase. You also make yourself more flexible and resilient in case of a sudden need for a job or career shift. Numerous professional development resources are currently available for free at The Intl. Association for Business Development’s website.