For professional speakers, having a reliable and experienced speaking agent can be a game-changer. A good agent can help you secure high-profile speaking engagements, negotiate favorable terms, and navigate the complexities of the speaking industry. However, finding the right agent can be a daunting task, especially for those new to the speaking circuit. Here are some strategies to help you find a speaking agent that aligns with your goals and expertise:

  1. Attend Industry Events and Conferences: One of the best ways to connect with potential speaking agents is to attend industry events and conferences. Many agents have a presence at these events, either as sponsors, exhibitors, or attendees. Attend sessions, network during breaks, and don’t hesitate to introduce yourself and inquire about their services.
  2. Leverage Your Network: Tap into your professional network and ask for referrals or recommendations for reputable speaking agents. Reach out to colleagues, mentors, or other professionals in your industry who have worked with agents in the past. Their first-hand experiences and insights can be invaluable in helping you find the right fit.
  3. Research Online Directories and Listings: Several online directories and listings exist specifically for connecting speakers with agents. Explore platforms like the National Speakers Association (NSA), the International Association of Professional Speakers Organizations (IAPSO), and other industry-specific directories. These resources can provide you with a comprehensive list of agents to research and contact.
  4. Attend Speaker Showcases: Many speaking organizations and agencies host speaker showcases, where potential speakers have the opportunity to deliver a brief presentation in front of agents and event planners. These showcases can be an excellent way to not only showcase your speaking skills but also to connect with agents who may be interested in representing you.
  5. Utilize Social Media: Social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook can be powerful tools for finding and connecting with speaking agents. Follow agents in your industry, engage with their content, and don’t hesitate to reach out to those who seem like a good fit for your speaking expertise.
  6. Consider Referral Programs: Some speaking agencies offer referral programs, where they provide incentives to existing clients or industry professionals who refer new speakers to their agency. Inquire about such programs and leverage any connections you may have with their current roster of speakers.
  7. Be Proactive and Persistent: Finding the right speaking agent often requires a proactive and persistent approach. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t receive immediate responses or face rejections. Follow up consistently, refine your pitch, and continue to build your speaking portfolio and reputation.


Remember, finding a speaking agent is not just about securing representation; it’s about establishing a long-term partnership that can help elevate your speaking career to new heights. Take the time to research potential agents, evaluate their track record, and ensure that they align with your goals and values as a professional speaker.