For professional speakers, being represented by a reputable speakers bureau can be a significant step towards elevating their careers and gaining access to high-profile speaking engagements. However, getting represented by a speakers bureau is a competitive process that requires strategic planning and dedicated effort. Here are some effective strategies to help you get represented by a speakers bureau:

  1. Develop a Strong Speaker Profile: The first step is to create a compelling speaker profile that showcases your expertise, unique value proposition, and speaking experience. This should include a well-crafted biography, video samples of your presentations, testimonials from previous engagements, and any relevant credentials or achievements that demonstrate your credibility as a speaker.
  2. Build a Robust Speaking Portfolio: Speakers bureaus are more likely to represent speakers who have a proven track record of successful speaking engagements. Focus on building a robust portfolio that includes a diverse range of events, audiences, and topics. Document your speaking fees, audience sizes, and any notable accomplishments or accolades received.
  3. Network and Attend Industry Events: Attend industry conferences, events, and workshops related to professional speaking and the speakers bureau industry. This provides opportunities to network with bureau representatives, learn about their criteria for representation, and potentially make valuable connections that could lead to representation opportunities.
  4. Leverage Existing Connections: Tap into your professional network and inquire about potential connections or recommendations for speakers bureaus. Reach out to colleagues, industry peers, or event organizers who may have worked with or know representatives from reputable bureaus.
  5. Research and Target Relevant Bureaus: Identify speakers bureaus that specialize in your area of expertise or industry. Research their rosters, client lists, and representation criteria to ensure a good fit. Tailor your pitch and materials to align with their specific needs and preferences.
  6. Prepare a Compelling Pitch: Develop a well-crafted pitch that highlights your unique value proposition, speaking experience, and potential to attract high-profile engagements. Be prepared to articulate why you would be a valuable addition to their roster and how you can contribute to their success.
  7. Follow Up and Maintain Relationships: Getting represented by a speakers bureau can be a lengthy process. Be persistent and follow up consistently with bureau representatives you’ve contacted. Maintain open lines of communication, provide updates on your speaking engagements, and foster positive relationships.


Remember, speakers bureaus are selective in their representation choices, as they are investing their resources and reputation in the speakers they represent. By demonstrating a solid track record, unique expertise, and a commitment to professionalism, you increase your chances of being represented by a reputable speakers bureau that can help elevate your speaking career to new heights.