Insurance expert witnesses are often brought in as consultants on insurance claims, disputes, and regulatory matters. As for what pros are asked to opine on:

  1. Policy Interpretation and Coverage Analysis – Interpretation of insurance policies and the analysis of coverage. Reviewing as an insurance expert witness the language used in the policy, examine the scope of coverage, and determine whether specific claims or losses are covered under the terms of the policy.
  2. Claims Handling and Adjustment Practices – Looking at the claims handling and adjustment practices of insurance companies. Analyzing the reasonableness of the insurer’s actions, adherence to industry standards and regulations, and the appropriateness of claim valuations and settlement offers.
  3. Bad Faith Claims – In cases involving allegations of bad faith by insurance companies, pros opine on the insurer’s conduct, the reasonableness of their actions, and whether they breached their duty of good faith and fair dealing towards policyholders.
  4. Underwriting and Risk Assessment – A insurance expert witness offers insights into underwriting practices and risk assessment methodologies. Assessing the appropriateness of underwriting decisions, the accuracy of risk calculations, and the adequacy of premiums charged based on the level of risk assumed.
  5. Actuarial Analysis and Reserve Calculations – Actuarial leaders are often called upon to analyze insurance company reserves, premium rate calculations, and the overall financial health and solvency of the insurer. Pros assist with cases on regulatory oversight, mergers and acquisitions, or insurer insolvency proceedings.
  6. Reinsurance and Risk Transfer Mechanisms – In complex insurance matters involving reinsurance or other risk transfer mechanisms, insurance expert witnesses provide guidance on the interpretation of reinsurance treaties, the allocation of risk and liability, and the rights and obligations of various parties involved.
  7. Regulatory Compliance and Industry Standards – Opining on issues related to regulatory compliance and industry standards. Consider whether insurance companies have adhered to relevant laws, regulations, and industry best practices, and provide insights into the potential consequences of non-compliance.