Trust us: Keynote speaker invitations matter. Booking a captivating presenter is often the centerpiece of a successful conference or event. But before you can bask in the excitement of their presence, you must first extend a compelling keynote speaker invitation that captures their interest and persuades them to grace your stage. A smart inquiry can make all the difference in securing your dream speaker and elevating your event to new heights.

  1. Establish Your Event’s Credibility – Begin your outreach by providing an overview of your conference or event, highlighting its prestige, history, and significance within the industry or field. Doing so immediately establishes the caliber of your event and the honor of being invited to speak.
  2. Highlight the Speaker’s Relevance – Clearly articulate as part of your keynote speaker invitation why the potential presenter is an ideal fit for your event. Reference their expertise, accomplishments, and thought leadership that aligns with the conference’s themes or objectives. Itdemonstrates that you’ve done your research and that their message will resonate with your audience.
  3. Outline the Speaking Opportunity – Provide specific details about the keynote speaking opportunity, including the date, time, expected duration, and any specific topics or themes you’d like the speaker to address. Such clarity helps the speaker envision their role and tailor their presentation accordingly.
  4. Emphasize the Benefits – Speakers often consider the potential benefits and exposure when accepting an invitation. Highlight the size and composition of your expected audience as part of a great keynote speaker invitation, as well as any media coverage or promotional opportunities that could elevate their visibility and reach.
  5. Offer Appropriate Compensation – Be transparent about the compensation and benefits you’re offering, whether it’s an honorarium, travel and accommodation expenses, or other perks. While some speakers may be open to pro bono engagements, others will expect fair remuneration for their time and expertise.
  6. Personalize the Invitation – Take the time to personalize any keynote speaker invitation, referencing the speaker’s recent accomplishments, publications, or notable appearances. Making a point to do it demonstrates that you’ve done your homework and are truly invested in having them as part of your event.
  7. Provide Clear Next Steps –  Close your invite with clear next steps, including a deadline for their response and any additional information or materials they may need to provide. Make it easy for them to accept or request further details.

Remember, a keynote speaker invitation is more than just a formal request; it’s an opportunity to showcase the significance of your event and the honor of having them as a featured speaker. In crafting a compelling and well-researched invitation, you increase your chances of securing a captivating keynote speaker who will elevate your conference to new heights.