Lawyers hire online shopping expert witness consultants for myriad tasks. Case in point: When lawsuits involve eCommerce businesses or online shopping activities, or hit on topics like digital marketing, online shopping and retail, attorneys and law firms frequently bring in online shopping expert witness consulting leaders who specialize in the industry. These experts  opine on a variety of issues related to the norms, practices, and technical aspects of internet shopping. Consider seven common topics that pros are asked to weigh in on:

  1. Website design and usability – Pros analyze website layouts, navigation menus, checkout funnels, and other design elements that impact the user experience. They evaluate whether sites follow best practices for usability and accessibility.
  2. Marketing tactics and consumer behavior – Leading online shopping expert witness providers understand the psychology of how consumers browse and make purchasing decisions online. Advisors can speak to the effects of marketing strategies like email campaigns, search advertising, product recommendations, and more.
  3. Pricing and promotions – With knowledge of dynamic pricing models, bundling strategies, sales and discounts, consulting pros opine on retailers’ pricing practices and their impacts on consumer perceptions and demand.
  4. Operations and logistics – Fulfillment capabilities, inventory management, supply chain issues – online shopping expert witness leaders analyze the back-end operational factors that allow online orders to be processed and delivered efficiently.
  5. Data privacy and security – With expertise in areas like encryption, hashing, PCI compliance and related regulations, analysts assess whether retailers properly safeguard customer data and payment information.
  6. Intellectual property – Cases involving trademark/copyright infringement, counterfeit goods, or unauthorized sales often require weighing in from online shopping expert witnesses on licensing agreements, distribution channels, and brand policing efforts.
  7. Industry standards and benchmarking – To determine whether a company met or deviated from standard industry practices, consulting advisors provide context on metrics, KPIs, and performance benchmarks related to areas like site traffic, conversion rates, shipping costs, etc.


No matter the specific issues, seasoned online shopping expert witness decipher complex e-commerce activities and explain them clearly to attorneys and juries. Advisors’ specialized knowledge is vital for effectively arguing cases in this domain.