Transportation keynote speakers are privy to an industry being reshaped by technological innovation, environmental concerns, and changing consumer preferences. In the months ahead, you’ll hear the transit, aviation and shipping fields’ top transportation keynote speakers opine on the below game-changing trends that are poised to upend how we move people and goods.

  1. Electric and Autonomous Vehicles – The rise of electric and autonomous (self-driving) vehicles represents one of the biggest technological shifts in modern transportation history. As battery costs decline and autonomous driving capabilities advance, these green and intelligent mobility solutions are becoming increasingly viable and attractive alternatives to traditional gas-powered human-driven cars and trucks.
  2. Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) – An emerging transportation model that integrates various modes of transport services (e.g. ride-hailing, car-sharing, public transit) into a single on-demand mobility platform. As urban populations swell, transportation keynote speakers  note that MaaS offers a compelling vision for seamless, multi-modal transportation accessed via smartphone.
  3. Micromobility – Speaks to the use of low-speed, lightweight vehicles like e-scooters and e-bikes for first/last-mile transportation in cities. The micromobility market has exploded in recent years and speakers will likely explore how it is complementing public transit and reducing urban congestion.
  4. Supply Chain Resilience – Global disruptions during the pandemic underscored to the best transportation keynote speakers the need for greater resilience and visibility in logistics networks. Experts will discuss applications of technologies like AI, blockchain, and the Internet of Things (IoT) to build more agile and transparent supply chains.
  5. Sustainable Aviation – With the aviation sector under pressure to curb emissions, advisors highlight nascent sustainability efforts like sustainable aviation fuel, electric aircraft, and air traffic management solutions to improve fuel efficiency.
  6. Hyperloop and HighSpeed Rail = The prospects for ultra-fast, potentially revolutionary transportation modes like the hyperloop ground transport system and high-speed rail networks could be hot topics as nations seek to upgrade aging infrastructure.
  7. Smart Cities and Transportation – Thinking about how urban design interacts with developing integrated smart city ecosystems that transportation keynote speakers know will sync intelligent transportation systems with smart infrastructure, buildings, grids, and services to streamline mobility and reduce environmental impact.


Amidst accelerating technological change and environmental imperatives, revolutionary shifts are coming to the space. The best transportation keynote speakers are sure to captivate audiences with visions of these paradigm-shifting mobility trends on the horizon.