Brand innovation talks to the process of evolving an existing brand or establishing a new brand in a novel way that disrupts conventional category norms. It goes beyond product innovation to deliver new branded experiences, services, business models or marketing methods that reshape consumer behaviors, expectations and engagement.

On a deeper level, brand innovation expands perceived brand relevance amid changing market conditions, technologies, consumer needs and competitive forces. It requires deep consumer insights and a forward-looking vision to challenge status quos. Rather than reacting to change, truly innovative brands shape categories in new directions.

A classic example is Apple’s brand innovation across decades while pioneering multiple product categories—from its original Apple II personal computer to iMacs, iPods, iPhone and other mobile devices, Apple Stores and services. By integrating its technology with great design and experiences, Apple created iconic branded innovations that redefined consumer technology and set new bars for excellence.

Indeed, brand innovation isn’t limited to startups or new brands. Industry leaders can renew their brands through next-generation offerings, customer engagement models and brand experiences. As one example, Nike ignited its women’s business by branding innovation labs geared to designing footwear, apparel and retail stores tailored specifically to women versus simply marketing smaller men’s styles.

At its heart, brand innovation requires customer centricity and outside-in thinking to meet emerging consumer needs in new ways. Brands must identify evolving customer expectations, values, priorities and pain points to anchor innovation efforts. Additionally, cross-functional collaboration, testing and learning are vital to iterate on possibilities.

That could mean introducing new products or reinventing existing ones, moving into new categories, developing partnerships and branded content, pioneering emotional connections, leveraging new technologies for engagement, personalizing at scale or entering new areas ripe for disruption by an innovative brand presence.

All in all the practice must balance freshness and familiarity—retaining brand equity while stretching in new directions aligned with the brand purpose and strengths. When timed right amid consumer and competitive dynamics, brand innovation investments pay dividends through sustained relevance, visibility and value creation.