Trade secret: You don’t have to be exceptionally bright, talented, or gifted in order to get ahead in today’s business world, or successfully adapt to ongoing change and disruption. In fact, as it often pays to remember, when it comes to maximizing your insight – and maximizing sales – you don’t necessarily have to be a genius to get ahead in business anymore… rather, just a little bit more clever and ingenious instead.


Likewise, as the world’s most celebrated executives often point out, you’d also do well to keep in mind that finding success today is less about being the most accomplished person in the room and more about being the one who’s mastered the art of learning how to quickly learn about and adapt to  any given topic as well. Similarly, when it comes to finding winning ideas, as even we were surprised to learn in our research, you don’t have to be exceptionally creative either. Rather, just the type of leader who prizes diversity of thought and opinion, and actively makes a point to surround themselves with a team of capable advisers by making leadership a concept that scales.


In effect, as much as we all love the Elon Musks and Steve Jobs of the world, succeeding in a business environment that’s as fast-changing and unpredictable as today’s marketplace isn’t about having to be a single-minded, visionary leader anymore. Rather, it’s about being able to draw upon the wisdom of crowds more frequently, and becoming more of an anticipatory leader… Someone who’s not only more skilled at anticipating the future, but also more clever and resilient when it comes to helping an organization consistently steer itself toward success. Like today’s most accomplished individuals and organizations are quickly waking up and realizing, getting ahead is all about your capacity to learn, evolve, and embrace diversity of perspective and opinion. All of which means that business leadership in tomorrow’s world will ultimately be more of a team effort.