Data privacy keynote speakers and expert witnesses are often asked: What will the future of online security, cybersecurity, and Internet safety hold? The answers may surprise you, as we frequently point out in thought leadership pieces of every kind, including books, articles, videos, whitepapers, and more. To find out more about recent topics and types of projects we’ve been asked to tackle, and how we can help you get the word out about trending topics, drop our consulting experts a line today!

Stay Cyber-Secure and Sustain Data Privacy in a World of Infinite Disruption − Cyber threats are growing; threat actors are becoming increasingly more sophisticated; and potential online points of failure are mounting, even as the world is becoming more uncertain and unpredictable − how can your organization keep pace? Answers lie in adopting a more proactive security posture, taking a more comprehensive approach to security monitoring and software composition analysis, and proactively training your workforce to be more prepared in advance long before attacks ever land.

Technology Moves at a Blistering Clip − How Can Regulators and Security Pros Keep Up? − The pace of high-tech change is accelerating, and Big Tech’s influence is growing… but the online safety and data privacy laws we use to regulate and protect our information often struggle to keep pace with this change, let alone keep up. Going forward, whose job will it be to police these online giants, how can we make sure they’re adhering to privacy/security standards, and what changes are needed to the legal and regulatory systems to manage a world where things move at the speed of silicon?

Disorganized Crime: Protecting Yourself from a New Wave of Coordinated Tech Threats − Research tells us that many cyber threat actors are now acting in concert, like organized crime syndicates – e.g. one group makes the ransomware, another deploys it, another gathers and sorts data, and another sells it onto to end buyers. It’s important to get up to speed on just how sophisticated efforts to compromise their digital defenses are becoming − and how to protect ourselves from these growingly complex challenges.