Education – Schools, Colleges, University Programs

Public relations (PR) and communications have undergone massive changes in recent years, and the future of the industry looks set to be even more dynamic. As new technologies and trends emerge, working pros will need to adapt to stay relevant and effective. As a professional...

Intelligent solutions are redefining how we interact with the world. Driven by advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and data analytics, these technologies are poised to upend and fundamentally remake entire industries and applications across the globe. So I figured that we might take...

As we sail deeper into the 2020s, the education landscape continues to advance and shift dramatically. These changes will inevitably impact the future roles of school administrators and faculty members. While some aspects of their responsibilities will remain constant, other facets will be reshaped by...

Public administration is responsible for implementing government policies and ensuring the smooth functioning of various institutions. As we move forward into the modern era, it is critical for professionals working in the field to adapt to emerging hurdles and leverage new online + high-tech advancements...

Education keynote speakers and schools, colleges, and university futurists make no secret about it: The future of education, training, and professional development is rapidly changing right before our eyes. In fact, the skills that you'll need to succeed in tomorrow's commercial marketplace (and workplace) will...

Regional chambers of commerce are a mainstay of many cities. However, the rapidly evolving business landscape, driven by technology, globalization, and shifting economic priorities, is rapidly changing the substance and setup of these organizations. To wit, it's important to discuss the future of regional chambers...

The future of hospitals is likely to be shaped by a number of trends and innovations, including technological advancements, demographic shifts, and changing consumer expectations. From a healthcare futurist and keynote speaker's standpoint, here are some of the key developments that we can expect to...

The role of a CEO has always been demanding, requiring a delicate balance of strategic vision, operational excellence, and inspirational leadership. That said, as the business landscape undergoes rapid and unprecedented change, the expectations placed on these senior leaders are evolving by leaps and bounds....

Higher education has always been a cornerstone of personal and professional development, providing individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in their chosen fields. But as you might have also noticed recently, given the rapid pace of technological advancement and changing social and...