Finance and Banking

Meeting planners ask who the top speaking bureaus in the world are. It makes sense, given that various talent agency booking firm companies each offer singular strengths and one of a kind rosters. We asked keynote speakers who the top speaking bureaus in the world...

As emerging technologies reshape the world around us, one concept that keeps coming up is “mixed reality” and its potential applications. But what exactly does that term mean and how does it differ from similar ideas like augmented and virtual reality?Put simply, mixed reality speaks...

Design thinking consultants posit that as the concept permeates everyday business vocabulary, more companies seek outside expertise guiding its methodical implementation for innovation and strategy. Such growing interest has expanded a cottage industry of specialist design thinking consultants hired to train internal teams. But what...

Web3 represents the next phase of the internet’s evolution to deliver decentralized, trusted digital interactions harnessing blockchain, cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). By reimagining incentives, access controls and data ownership online, Web3 aims to empower individuals rather than institutions in a user-governed internet...

As the world grows exponentially more complex and ambiguous, strategic foresight, empathy and purpose are emerging as non-negotiable for impactful leadership ahead. It only seems prudent to highlight 5 vital mindset shifts that leaders need to embrace by 2024. Distributed Decision Making The myth of the heroic...

Technology innovation is accelerating at warp speed into 2024. From AI assistants getting uncannily intelligent to lightning fast 6G networks and decentralized metaverse worlds - we have only seen the tip of the tech iceberg. Below we count down the most disruptive trends to watch. AI...

Pro tip: Top technology futurist keynote speakers typically discuss a wide range of forward-looking topics and avenues of research related to emerging technologies and their potential impacts on society. But how does that translate into presentation angles? Working as some of the field's best-known technology...

In today's uncertain marketplace, the best growth strategy keynote speakers and futurist virtual speaking presenters often share and offer commentary around a huge range of avenues of interest, like:Identifying growth opportunities - Assessing markets, competitive forces, industry trends and disruptions as growth strategy keynote speakers...

Leading wealth management futurist keynote speakers work on all sorts of fascinating financial projects for banks, credit unions, fintechs and other banking and finance institutions:Giving presentations and keynote speeches at conferences and events about the future of finance and banking. Talks by wealth management futurist...

Virtual events and online meetings have become popular tools for businesses, educators, and organizations to share knowledge, showcase expertise, and engage with audiences across the globe. As remote work and online learning continue to gain prominence, expectations for high-quality webinars are likely to increase. Let's...