Articles and Videos

Soft skills, often referred to as interpersonal or non-technical skills, are the personal attributes and qualities that enable individuals to effectively interact with others, navigate social situations, and thrive in the workplace. Unlike hard skills, which are specific to a particular job or industry and...

Cybersecurity and online security are critical aspects of protecting digital assets, information, and privacy in the increasingly interconnected world of the internet. Both encompass a range of practices, technologies, and measures designed to safeguard networks, systems, and data from cyber threats, attacks, and breaches.Scratching beyond...

Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. They run on blockchain networks and automatically execute and enforce the terms of the contract when predefined conditions are met. Put simply, smart contracts eliminate the need for intermediaries, such...

Deepfakes are a concerning and rapidly evolving technology that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to create realistic-looking videos, audio recordings, or images that manipulate or fabricate content in a way that is often difficult to discern from reality. Leveraging techniques such as generative adversarial networks (GANs)...

Ambient computing is a paradigm in computing technology that emphasizes seamless integration of computing devices and services into our everyday environment, creating a pervasive and immersive computing experience that is always available, context-aware, and unobtrusive. Unlike traditional computing models where users interact with discrete devices...

Digital twins are a cutting-edge technology that is transforming the way industries design, simulate, and manage physical assets and processes. A digital twin is a virtual replica or representation of a physical object, system, or process, which is created using real-time data and simulation models....