Articles and Videos

Can you guess why strategy facilitation training is on the rise? With businesses facing unprecedented disruption, strategic advisory is crucial yet immensely challenging for leadership teams overwhelmed by complexity, uncertainty, and competing priorities. That’s why developing expertise as a strategy facilitation training pro empowers consultants,...

Hiring top strategic facilitators can be super helpful. As the pace of change accelerates across sectors, expert advisors will only play more pivotal roles helping leadership teams adapt. Employing foresight, analytical rigor, and group psychology expertise, the best strategic facilitators will guide organizations in strategy...

Clearly, strategic facilitation by keynote speakers and futurist consultants have its merits. In an increasingly complex and fast-changing business environment, companies rely on effective strategy development to maintain competitive edges. However, strategic planning processes often stall without proper facilitation. That’s where strategy facilitation (and top...

Bringing in guest speaker lectures can be a great way to bolster learning, inspire students, and expose audiences to new ideas. Effective presentations require planning and structure to maximize value for listeners while ensuring speakers can seamlessly fit talks into wider curriculums or conference agendas,...

Hand it to livestreaming keynote speakers and virtual event hosts: Folks definitely put in work. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the use of virtual events and digital engagement across all sectors, after all. While in-person conferences slowly return, experts forecast the demand for high-caliber livestreaming keynote...

Conference planners hiring symposium keynote speakers need to keep several points in mind. Doubly so as industries from healthcare to manufacturing undergo massive digital transformation. The coming years will see surging interest in gathering insights to navigate disruption. That’s why leading experts anticipate that symposium...