Articles and Videos

The era of data-driven leadership is at-hand. In the information age, information is transforming decision making. Organizations have access to exponential amounts of data - from customer analytics to market research to internal metrics. Leveraging this data through a discipline known as "data-driven leadership" allows...

In today's exponential world, standing still is falling behind. To thrive, companies must harness disruptive thinking to challenge status quos, spark breakthrough innovation and unlock new sources of value. Indeed, leadership now requires the creativity, critical thinking and contrarian mindset of entrepreneurs combined with the...

All leaders must be prepared to guide their organizations through periods of significant disruption. Whether caused by new technologies, changing consumer behaviors, economic shocks or competitive threats, disruptions can determine which companies thrive and which fade away. Leading through turbulent, ever-shifting conditions requires adaptability, resilience...

Uncertainty is inevitable in life and leadership. Whether due to economic fluctuations, industry disruptions, organizational changes, or global events, leaders inevitably have to navigate uncertain times. However, uncertainty also brings opportunity for growth and innovation if handled skillfully. As a leader, how you respond to...