Articles and Videos

Motivational and inspirational speakers have the power to transform lives, ignite passion, and drive positive change. Here's a list of 30 top speakers known for their impactful presentations and ability to inspire audiences worldwide.1. Tony Robbins - Life coach and self-help author2. Gary Vaynerchuk -...

An expert host, MC moderator and facilitator for corporate meetings and events is a skilled orator who ensures the smooth execution and success of business gatherings. Like the best keynote speakers, leading picks combine the talents of a master of ceremonies, facilitator, and event manager...

Bestselling keynote speakers, futurist thought leaders and consultants are in a league of their own, commanding top fees and consistently delivering impactful presentations that leave lasting impressions on their audiences. But what sets presenters apart from their peers? We consider factors that make bestselling keynote...

A virtual conference speaker is a professional who delivers presentations, keynote speeches, training workshops and seminars or participates in panel discussions at online events. As digital gatherings have become increasingly prevalent, it's no secret that today's best virtual conference speakers have adapted their skills to...

Healthcare future trends speakers and medical futurist consultants prepare professionals and organizations for the new world of medicine. Top thought leadership experts, KOLs and consulting inluencers promote on emerging technologies, shifting demographics, and innovative approaches to patient experience and delivery. We consider what healthcare future...

Corporate meeting planners want to find a speaker for an event for myriad purposes. MICE industry leaders are constantly on the lookout for presenters, noting that the right orator can transform a mundane meeting into an inspiring and memorable experience. We look at why to...