Articles and Videos

Vertical farming is the practice of producing food in vertically stacked layers commonly integrated into structures like skyscrapers, shipping containers or recycled warehouses. The controlled environment agriculture makes use of vertical space to increase yields as traditional horizontal farming rapidly faces constraints like land scarcity,...

A hypermarket, sometimes called a big-box store, is an extra-large retail facility that carries an expanded range of consumer goods under one roof. Commonly you’ll find that hypermarkets integrate a supermarket and department store together to provide customers the convenience of one-stop shopping across an...

Drone delivery gets at using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), commonly known as drones, to transport packages, food, medicines, and other goods to customers. Instead of relying on traditional land-based delivery infrastructure, drones provide an innovative approach to logistic services and commerce.Companies invest significant resources in...

Long the stuff of science fiction, flying cars are steadily advancing towards reality through various companies and projects developing functional prototypes. Although mainstream adoption is still likely years if not decades away, flying vehicles could radically transform transportation and cities.Most major car manufacturers including Toyota,...

Connected living suggests smart home environments with internet-enabled devices and appliances that can be monitored, controlled, optimized and automated from anywhere. It offers integrated systems for higher convenience, efficiency, security and peace of mind.The foundational technology enabling connected living ecosystems is the Internet of Things...

Micromobility speaks to a range of small, lightweight vehicles operating at speeds typically below 25 mph designed for short trips within urban areas and dense suburbs. Powered by electric motors or human exertion, these nimble responsive transports help alleviate traffic congestion and emissions from inner-city...