Articles and Videos

Online privacy expert witness companies know that the subject has become a critical concern in the Internet and mobile eras, with increasing amounts of personal data being collected, processed, and shared across various platforms and services. In legal cases concerning data privacy violations, regulatory compliance,...

Web design expert witness consultants and development pros are often called upon in legal cases that incorporate websites, online platforms, and digital products. Areas of coverage might span the likes of:Accessibility and Compliance - A top Web design expert witness developmentally assesses whether a website...

An ERP expert witness and enterprise resource planning consultant might suggest that systems are the backbone of many companies' operations, integrating processes across finance, manufacturing, supply chain, and more. As these complex software platforms become increasingly vital, the need in legal matters for ERP expert...

CRM expert witness leaders continue to thrive in a customer-focused business world where effectively managing client relationships is increasingly essential for success. That being said, pros deeply versed in customer relationship management systems, strategies, and best practices are in high demand as a CRM expert...

Lawyers hire streaming video and audio expert witness authorities to weigh in more lately, as media content is only being more rapidly consumed via online streaming in the modern world. That means that the technical expertise of professionals is in high demand. And so top...

If you hire a cloud apps expert witness consultant, you'll hear about how as businesses increasingly embrace online applications and software-as-a-service (SaaS) offerings, the demand for expertise surrounding these solutions grows in parallel. The need for legal advice from cloud apps expert witness professionals is...