Articles and Videos

The field of aerospace engineering stands at the cusp of a new age of exploration and innovation driven by ballooning commercial activity, sustainable aviation advances and satellite megaconstellations expanding connectivity globally. As SpaceX inspires a new generation, the cosmos grow tangibly closer in the next...

Defense innovation races ahead on multiple fronts from hypersonic missiles to autonomous drone swarms and next-gen cyber weapons. Great power rivalry now centers on technological superiority aptly termed the “innovation imperative.” But matching pace with commercial breakthroughs in AI, quantum and other dual-use arenas while...

From autonomous trucks to instant delivery drones, massive tech innovation promises to revolutionize shipping and logistics with speed, sustainability and intelligence over the next decade. Supply chain pressures magnified by ecommerce growth now accelerate change across the industry.A wave of startups and incumbents now race...

Customer service stands at the forefront of a revolution driven by conversational AI, automation, and new engagement channels. As customer expectations for seamless, personalized experiences continue rising across generations, brands must explore emerging technologies to balance customization with efficiency.Chatbots and virtual assistants already field millions...

The mortgage sector is poised for major changes as emerging technologies reshape borrower service models while new data and risk assessment capabilities broaden access to home financing. From instant home buying to person-to-person lending platforms, the mortgage process grows more seamless, personalized, and inclusive.Mortgages remain...

The way we access, understand, and manage credit stands to be revolutionized as emerging data sources and analytics provide more personalized risk models while startups reimagine lending. The future of credit scoring looks beyond flawed FICO models toward real-time insights and continuous evaluation.In the US,...