Articles and Videos

Given the changing spaces of business and organizational management, a specialized field of psychology has emerged to address the unique challenges and intricacies of the workplace. Industrial/organizational (I/O) psychology, also known as work psychology or occupational psychology, is a discipline that applies psychological principles and...

Across a rapidly evolving business landscape, the traditional concept of a 9-to-5 office job is being challenged by a new paradigm – flexwork. This innovative approach to work organization recognizes the diverse needs and preferences of employees while leveraging technology to promote productivity, efficiency, and...

What are intelliphones? Think of it this way: In the consumer electronics space, a new breed of smartphones is on the horizon, promising to revolutionize the way we interact with our devices. These cutting-edge devices, known as intelliphones, are poised to become the next generation...

In the era of digital transformation, enterprise artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changing technology, revolutionizing the way businesses operate and driving innovation across industries. Enterprise AI encompasses the integration of advanced smart systems and machine learning algorithms into an organization's core processes, enabling...

Top online shopping spokesperson and retail, online and social eCommerce influencer consultants work to effectively communicate the convenience, security, and value proposition of their respective brands. For instance, avenues of interest and research that the best online shopping spokespersons are often asked to hit on...

Automotive spokespersons, self-driving car influencers and transportation futurists are continually fostering excitement about new innovations. All need to have a background with cars, trucks, SUVs, EVs, jeeps, motorcycles and other popular forms of transit. As for what brands hire top automotive spokesperson representatives to touch...