Articles and Videos

Wireless antitrust expert witnesses are taking on an ever-bigger part in legal matters, noting that the telecommunications industry has seen several high-profile cases and merger reviews in recent years. Areas where the telecom space’s best known and top wireless antitrust expert witness practitioners play range...

Haven’t met an app store antitrust expert witness yet as an attorney or law firm? Chances are, you will shortly. Digital distributors like Apple's App Store and Google Play Store have become impactful on the multi-billion dollar downloadable software program economy. And like app store...

Tuning into fintech antitrust expert witness presentations, we find that the financial technology sector has seen immense growth and innovation in recent years, disrupting traditional banking and financial services. But as myriad members of the field’s leading fintech antitrust expert witness partners remind, this has...

Law firms look to expert witness online training services for support and feedback. For subject matter experts tapped to provide testimony in legal proceedings, specialized education has become an indispensable way to prepare. While expert witness training online is new, such services have traditionally occurred...

Lawyers turn to an expert witness locator when law firms need to identify and secure highly qualified testifying consultants to support their litigation strategy. Of course, in terms of directory and finder services, it almost goes without saying that the best expert witness locators in...

Attorneys often wonder: What is an expert witness network, search firm or directory locator? Consider that in the legal arena, cases often hinge on highly technical and specialized subject matter that requires explanation and interpretation from authoritative professionals. The best expert witness networks aid in...