Articles and Videos

You may be interested to learn that the fees for keynote speakers can vary significantly depending on several factors, including the speaker's level of expertise, industry reputation, demand, speaking experience and the nature of the event or organization. What professional speakers get paid is typically...

Fun fact: It may surprise you to learn that financial services futurists work similarly to banking futurists, but their focus is broader, encompassing the entire financial services industry, which includes banking, but also insurance, asset management, fintech and other related sectors. Some of the types...

Banking futurists and keynote speakers, at their core, are industry practitioners who specialize in spotting and analyzing trends in the finance and banking industry. In support of this goal, pros here will often employ a wide range of methods and tools to determine potential developments...

As if it didn't jump right off the page, given what the term suggests, beauty futurists and keynote speakers are individuals who analyze trends, scientific advancements, societal changes, and evolving consumer behaviors to predict the future of the beauty industry. Their work can span various...

A customer experience futurist and keynote speaker is a professional who anticipates and forecasts future trends and behaviors concerning customer experience (CX). As the name implies, these experts look towards the future, combining insights from various fields such as technology, sociology, psychology, and business to...

As many future of teaching keynote speakers and education futurists have explained, the field is undergoing rapid and exponential changes. The sudden onset of massive interest in new technology advancements like AI and machine learning is only serving to accelerate these paradigm shifts. With a...