Articles and Videos

In the world of conferences, seminars, and professional development events, two formats frequently employed are keynotes and workshops. While both serve to impart knowledge and foster growth, they differ significantly in their structure, delivery, and intended outcomes. Understanding the nuances between these two approaches is...

Of course workshop speaker fees come up often when working with keynote speaking pros and trainers. In the realm of professional development and corporate education, sessions have emerged as a powerful tool for imparting practical knowledge and fostering skill-building among attendees. But workshop speaker fees...

Per the best social network class action expert witness firms, as networks and services like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, Twitter and others have become embedded into modern life, they've also increasingly found themselves embroiled in lawsuits. Amid legal matters, you'll find social network class action...

Top social media class action expert witness leaders know that as networks have grown, disputes over their business practices, technologies and user policies have increasingly led to lawsuits. At trial, pros offer authoritative technical analyses and opinions. It helps to know where social media class...

Video game class action expert witness professionals and gaming consultants are well aware that an increasing number of class action lawsuits have been filed against publishers and developers for a variety of alleged wrongdoings affecting large groups of players. Should matters go to trial, video...

A business speakers bureau helps when organizing major corporate events, conferences, or conventions. Meeting planners often work hand-in-hand with talent agency and search firms to book exceptional keynote speaking pros and thought leaders. The collaborative relationship that forms when working with top business speakers bureau...