Articles and Videos

Ask a Web3.0 futurist consultant and keynote speaker why the concept is exploding in popularity at the moment and you may get different answers. Some of them might relate to technology, others innovation, still more new trends, and yet additional comments speaking to changes in...

Consulting with Web3 speakers and futurist trends experts, we find that the concept refers to the idea of a new iteration of the World Wide Web based on blockchain technology and decentralized principles. It's a good time to talk about this definition and why it's...

Because we're frequently called upon to serve as Metaverse speakers, virtual speaking presenters and futurist consultants, Web3 and virtual reality technologies (not to mention AR and XR solutions) are often top of mind. Ironically though, one of the most common things we're asked to start...

Pop quiz: Why are Metaverse futurists and keynote speakers consistently appearing at more and more virtual speaking programs and live events? It shouldn't come as a surprise in many ways given just how much activity and conversation we're seeing around these topics. Or, for that...

Per top online retail futurists and keynote speakers, there's no shortage of innovation in the sector. Nor, for that matter, are we light on new innovations and technology happenings to keep us on our toes. In fact, many retailers are embracing new technology trends and...

Why are department stores keynote speakers and futurists such popular presenters at virtual online events and live meetings? Credit a constant barrage of new technology, innovations, and disruptions that are leaving a mark on the sector. Lately, it almost seems like new surprises pop up...