Articles and Videos

Foodtech in practice is the use of technology and science to transform how food is produced, distributed and consumed across the end-to-end value chain. It works to build a more sustainable and secure global food system using innovations like AI, robotics, biotechnology, IoT sensors and...

Top financial services keynote speakers and futurist consultants report that the sector is undergoing rapid modernization. Experts at conferences will concentrate talks on several pressing trends shaping the industry now and in the coming years.A dominant area for financial services keynote speakers is the acceleration...

Leading small business motivational speakers understand that entrepreneurs must not only stay hopeful but also remain adaptable as they navigate evolving trends, opportunities and market forces. Talks from leading influencers over the coming years will focus on equipping entrepreneurs to thrive despite uncertainty.Bank on small...

Employee engagement consulting firms specialize in helping organizations assess and improve engagement, satisfaction and productivity within their workforce. Advisories utilize research-backed approaches to provide integrated services that increase workplace motivation, fulfillment and business outcomes.The first service such employee engagement consulting firms offer is conducting customized...

A future of work consultant on average serves as an expert who helps organizations understand and adapt to the workplace transformations underway due to technological advances. As automation, artificial intelligence, remote work, and other innovations disrupt traditional working models, future of work consultants provide insight...