Articles and Videos

It's no shock to find society speakers giving keynote speaker talks at conferences and events on all manner of interests and trending topics from AI to automation or the future of medicine and science, with common discussion subjects now spanning:Emerging issues, trends and changes impacting...

On the hunt for symposium speakers and keynote speaker professionals to give talks at an upcoming gathering? It helps to consider the role that event and conference planners often ask them to play in terms of what experts present on, which might span:Research findings and...

Leading Egypt futurist keynote speakers and Cairo business consultants say there's a lot to be working on recently, especially given an ever-broadening range of subjects that they're being asked to review:Technology forecasting - Developing predictions and insights around how emerging technologies like AI, robotics, blockchain,...

Consult with the top Egypt keynote speakers and you'd hear all about the growing scope of subjects that thought leaders present on, ie.g.:Culture and history - The nation's long and rich history, going back to ancient times and civilization. Top Egypt keynote speakers may discuss...

Hands down, the best motivational speakers in Jordan are hard to match in scope and breadth of speaking subjects, such as:Local economy - Discussing economic trends, reforms needed, strategies to reduce unemployment and improve competitiveness. The best motivational speakers in Jordan cover sectors like ICT,...