Articles and Videos

Business trends in entrepreneurship that top keynote speakers and futurists consultants say to watch need to be on everyone's radar, founders and startups alike.For aspiring entrepreneurs and those already running their own businesses, keeping a pulse on an assortment of emerging business trends in entrepreneurship...

Like the best Gen Alpha experts and keynote speakers observe, understanding new generations is critical for brands and businesspeople alike. Born between 2010 and 2024, Generation Alpha is the newest generational cohort, poised to reshape consumer trends and behaviors. Gen Alpha experts and keynote speakers...

Like the best insurance keynote speakers remind, AI is currently upending the industry, transforming the way companies assess risks, price policies, and interact with customers. As this advanced technology continues to evolve, it is reshaping the traditional insurance landscape, creating new opportunities for efficiency, personalization,...

Gen Z experts and keynote speakers note that Generation Z, the demographic cohort born between 1997 and 2012, is quickly becoming one of the most coveted consumer segments for brands across industries. With their unique perspectives, digital-native mindsets, and growing purchasing power, connecting with and...

Per top future of work keynote speakers, artificial Intelligence (AI) is poised to revolutionize workforce trends and workplace innovations, transforming industries and redefining the way we approach various tasks and processes. As this cutting-edge technology continues to advance, it is reshaping the traditional workplace, creating...