Articles and Videos

Brand integration consultants and digital marketing experts are clearly having a moment. In the online age, where consumers are continuously inundated with advertisements and promotional messages, brands are faced with the challenge of standing out and capturing the attention of their target audiences. And so...

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, two terms often used interchangeably – content marketing and branded content – have emerged as powerful strategies for businesses to connect with their target audiences. While both approaches leverage the power of storytelling and content creation, there are...

A brand journalism writer is a professional who creates content for brands by adopting the principles and techniques of traditional journalism. Brand journalism, also known as corporate journalism or content marketing journalism, is a strategic approach that involves telling compelling stories about a brand, its...

In the digital marketing space, sponsored content has emerged as a game-changer, blurring the lines between traditional advertising and organic content. As consumers become increasingly skeptical of overt promotional messages, brands are turning to sponsored content as a means to engage their audiences in a...

Branded content companies now offer a dizzying array of services. That's understandable in today's crowded marketplace, where consumers are bombarded with an endless array of marketing messages. Clearly, like any of a number of top best branded content companies can explain, the medium has emerged...