Articles and Videos

A satellite media tour (SMT) is a strategic public relations tool used to broadcast a message to multiple media outlets simultaneously. It involves a spokesperson conducting a series of back-to-back interviews via satellite from a central location, typically a studio equipped with satellite uplink capabilities....

Employer branding keynote speakers guide organizations toward effectively positioning themselves as employers of choice. Top thought leaders, consultants and futurist influencers who are KOLs highlight emerging trends and best practices that shape the future of marketing strategies. Five trends that employer branding keynote speakers commonly...

Employer branding thought leaders, influencers, KOLs and keynote speakers are individuals who pioneer innovative strategies and insights into shaping and enhancing an organization's reputation as an employer of choice. Leading experts boast deep knowledge and experience in human resources, marketing, and organizational psychology as employer...

An employer branding expert who offers consulting services, consultancy agency advisory work and on-call consultants for hire is a crucial partner for organizations aiming to attract and retain top talent. A thought leader here is a specialist dedicated to shaping and promoting an organization's reputation...

An employer branding strategy company is a consulting firm that helps organizations create, develop, and maintain a strong employer brand. The type of consultancy agency focuses on enhancing an organization's reputation as an employer, with the goal as an employer branding strategy company of attracting...

Starting a celebrity endorsement company that pairs organizations with famous keynote speakers, spokespersons and social media influencers or thought leaders could pay big dividends. In a media-saturated world, after all, shoutouts and co-signs remain a powerful marketing tool, influencing consumer behavior and brand perception. Founding...