Articles and Videos

Safeguarding a modern organization against digital dangers is a challenging sport: You’ve constantly got to keep one eye on the ball, the other on the terrain in front of you – and work to stay a step ahead of a shifting landscape filled with unexpected...

As we explain in recent book FAST >> FORWARD, clever and simple shifts in strategy and tactics, coupled with handy accelerants (e.g. off-the-shelf plug-and-play tools and technologies) can help you innovate and grow at a record pace.It bears considering how this principle might apply to...

Working as futurist speakers for healthcare, medical, and pharmaceutical firms, we often get to see tomorrow's business world taking shape before it arrives. Which is why we're pleased to report that 5G wireless communications and technology promise to change the game for many providers and...

Corporate sustainability and sustainable energy (like recycling and eco-friendly green solutions) are now major trends amongst both business leaders and everyday individuals like. A slew of polls and surveys demonstrate that awareness for these topics is likewise growing around the globe.  With over half of...

Learning to effectively capture and turn data into operational intelligence is the future of business. Noting this, the role of cloud-based, artificially intelligent data management and usage tools are becoming increasingly important. These solutions can provide you with customer and operational insights that you can...

Manufacturing speakers love to point out that robotics have been a growing industry trend for over 65 years. As you might imagine, they're also becoming increasingly ubiquitous today. Were you to travel the world in search of these innovations, and the companies behind them, what...