Articles and Videos

Brand purpose hints at the aspirational, values-driven reason a company exists beyond simply generating profits. It captures the meaningful, positive impact a brand strives to make in the world to improve people’s lives. The concept of brand purpose defines the motivational core mission guiding a...

Open source touches on computer software or technologies that can be freely accessed, used, modified, and shared by anyone. Such software makes the underlying source code publicly available under licenses that allow the studying, improving and distributing of the software to anyone and for any...

Kubernetes (also known as K8s) is an open-source container orchestration system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It helps coordinate large container clusters across machine infrastructure to streamline container operations.Containers package code together with dependencies and configuration into a lightweight, portable software...

Omnichannel generally describes an integrated, seamless shopping experience for customers across both digital and physical retail channels. Whereas multichannel retail simply means interacting on various channels, omnichannel strategically aligns and blends those channels to optimize convenience, brand consistency and sales at every touchpoint.The omnichannel approach...

AI agents are software programs powered by artificial intelligence algorithms that perceive environments and take autonomous goal-directed actions to perform tasks, handle queries, or facilitate services and transactions on behalf of users or businesses.Unlike static digital tools, AI agents exhibit dynamic intelligence. Using machine and...

Affinity marketing point towards a targeted marketing strategy that identifies and caters to specific groups united around shared interests, causes, affiliations, demographics, events and more. Also known as partnership marketing, affinity marketing aims to forge alliances with organizations to promote products, services and initiatives to...