Articles and Videos

Today's top flooring keynote speakers posit that sustainability is arguably the biggest trend shaping all industries, and construction is no exception. Thought leaders in the next few years will have much to say about ESG practices and innovations in flooring materials and manufacturing when the...

With all eyes looking to the skies, satellite keynote speakers have no shortage of business breakthroughs, technological milestones, and growth prospects to discuss in the coming years.The new space race heating up will surely take center stage. Top satellite keynote speakers touch on falling launch...

A distributed enterprise hints at a company structure where business operations, processes, and employees are decentralized and dispersed across multiple geographic locations. That contrasts with traditional centralized enterprise models where essential company functions revolve around a concentrated corporate headquarters or single main campus. Enabled by...

The idea of cloud computing hits on the delivery of computing services like servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics and intelligence over the Internet. The cloud model enables convenient, ubiquitous, on-demand access to shared pools of configurable computing resources, providing economies of scale that allow...