Articles and Videos

The healthcare industry is experiencing rapid transformation driven by technological advancements, shifting consumer demands, and evolving regulatory landscapes. As we navigate through 2024 and beyond, it's essential to stay informed about the trends shaping the future of healthcare. Let's take a closer peek at ten...

The business world is constantly evolving, with new technologies, consumer behaviors, and market forces shaping how companies operate and succeed. As we move further into 2024, it's essential for business leaders and entrepreneurs to stay ahead of the curve and anticipate the trends that will...

You asked: Who hires motivational keynote speakers for talks at conferences, conventions and corporate meetings? Lots of folks, it turns out.In our age of insights-driven content marketing and experience-focused events, the compelling oratory and subject matter expertise of keynote speakers has become an invaluable draw....

We keep getting asked: Who hires futurists to be keynote speakers and strategy consultants? Loads of associations, corporations, Fortune 500s, startups and non-profit organizations it turns out.By way of illustration, as the pace of technological and social change accelerates, an increasing number of organizations have...

Hiring a futurist? You're not alone. In today's era of relentless disruption and rapidly evolving competitive landscapes, businesses can no longer rely solely on traditional strategic planning methods focused on incremental change. To future-proof their organizations for the tectonic shifts ahead, a growing number of...