Articles and Videos

As the world grows exponentially more complex and ambiguous, strategic foresight, empathy and purpose are emerging as non-negotiable for impactful leadership ahead. It only seems prudent to highlight 5 vital mindset shifts that leaders need to embrace by 2024. Distributed Decision Making The myth of the heroic...

Multiple catalytic forces continue to radically reshape the pharmaceutical landscape. What say we have a look-see at 5 highly anticipated trends set to breakthrough in 2024? AI-Discovered Drugs Go Mainstream Leveraging massive biological and chemical datasets, AI algorithms can now predict promising drug compounds for targeted diseases...

Technology innovation is accelerating at warp speed into 2024. From AI assistants getting uncannily intelligent to lightning fast 6G networks and decentralized metaverse worlds - we have only seen the tip of the tech iceberg. Below we count down the most disruptive trends to watch. AI...

The retail landscape continues to rapidly transform thanks to changing consumer preferences and technology innovation. Here we explore the biggest retail trends that are likely to breakthrough in 2024. Experiential Retail As e-commerce expands, brick-and-mortar stores must offer compelling experiences that online can’t replicate. More retail spaces...