Articles and Videos

Securing the ideal presenters as part of a conference speaker strategy is make-or-break for impactful industry meetings and events. Convention organizer plans must align speaker selection with event themes, target audiences and ultimate goals to drive meaningful engagement. Well-matched presenters as part of a holistic...

When hiring marketing strategy keynote speakers for events in 2024 and 2025, anticipate them focusing presentations on emerging trends like the metaverse, evolving influencer marketing, predictive analytics, and more experiential events. Forward looking presenters realize organizations must prepare for these rising tactical and strategic evolutions...

To be innovative means introducing novel solutions that create value in a creative, practical and compelling way. The most successful people and organizations have mastered the art of questioning the status quo, understanding unmet customer needs, and coming up with ideas for better products, services,...

Innovation is best described as the process of introducing new ideas, devices, methods or processes that create value in the real world. The concept solves problems, improves efficiency, enhances experiences or adds beauty and meaning. It is not innovation unless the novel solutions actually get...