Articles and Videos

Satellite tour hosts and SMT celebrity spokespersons work with marketing agency and PR firms to create must-see TV and radio programs. Experts are tasked with captivating audiences and delivering a seamless, engaging experience. But the best satellite tour hosts go above and beyond basic requirements....

Co-op satellite media tour calendars and SMT host schedules are important for marketing and public relations agency firms, businesses and organizations to know. Even more so as brands are constantly seeking innovative ways to amplify their reach and engage with their target audiences. A co-op...

PR & marketing agency pros ask: Co-op media tours vs. satellite media tours (SMTs) - what’s the difference?The two distinct formats have gained significant traction: But while both share the common goal of amplifying brand visibility and reaching target audiences, they differ in several aspects....

Co-op media tours and SMTs (satellite tours) remain a marketing and advertising go-to and powerful and increasingly popular tool for businesses to reach their target audiences. Such collaborative promotional initiatives, which bring together multiple brands or companies under the co-op media tours banner, have proven...

Serving on a corporate board of directors is a significant responsibility requiring individuals to deftly balance several dualities. The most effective board members are those who can adroitly navigate these competing priorities and mindsets that often pull in opposite directions. The dualities that exemplify high-performing...

Why do companies hire outside directors? For publicly traded corporations and many large private companies, having an effective board of directors is crucial for upholding robust governance and oversight. Outside directors notwithstanding, while boards are traditionally comprised of internal executive leadership and potentially founders or...