Articles and Videos

Top speakers, MCs and hosts for events are a major draw for meeting planners. Putting together a successful conference, convention, or other large event involves a tremendous amount of planning and coordination by meeting planners. Alongside booking the best speakers, MCs and hosts for events,...

Leading conference emcee hosts are now top draws. Consider as follows: When planning a major meeting or convention, you've got to keep in mind a few points as you think about entertaining your guests. Chief among them: Booking the right conference emcee host is crucial...

If you've attended events like weddings, parties, award shows or conventions, you've likely encountered both hosts and emcees. While the terms are sometimes used interchangeably, these two roles actually have distinct responsibilities and requirements. Here's a closer look at the differences between hosts and emcees.A...

If you've ever attended a large event like a conference, award show, fundraising gala, or wedding reception, chances are there was a professional emcee helping to keep everything running smoothly. But what exactly is an emcee and what are their key roles and responsibilities?An emcee,...

Public relations expert witness and testifying PR consultants are frequently asked to weigh in on reputation management, crisis communications, and marketing disputes. But where specifically can they help? We're glad you asked.Reputation Management Strategies - Top public relations expert witness practitioners commonly offer insights around...

Content moderation expert witness consulting firms know that the subject has become a critical issue in the digital age, as online platforms and services grapple with the challenges of managing user-generated content while upholding ethical standards, protecting user safety, and complying with legal regulations. Enter...