Articles and Videos

Content management is the process of creating, editing, organizing and publishing digital content across platforms. It involves managing the content lifecycle from ideation to final distribution using a CMS or content management system.A content management system is technology that enables users to develop, manage and...

Supply chain management (SCM) hints at the coordination of a network of interconnected businesses involved in the provision of product and service packages for end consumers. Essentially, supply chain management involves monitoring and managing flows between suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, retailers and consumers to maximize overall...

Virtual reality (VR) entails computer-generated environments that simulate the physical presence of real-world surroundings. It immerses the user in an artificial, three-dimensional environment through visuals, audio, and/or other sensory stimuli. That creates the perception of being transported into an interactive, digital world separate from real-life...

Augmented reality (AR) refers to technology that superimposes digital graphics, audio, video and other enhancements over a real-world environment in real-time. The concept supplements the tangible, physical world with an interactive, computer-generated layer of immersive digital content and information.The overlaid visual and audio elements in...

Hyper-personalization hits on the extreme customization of products, services, and communication to meet individual customer needs, preferences, and interests. It takes personalization to more granular, nuanced levels based on in-depth data insights. The goal is to provide ultra-tailored experiences that resonate most with each distinct...

Phygital speaks to the blending of physical and digital experiences and environments. It is the convergence of the physical and digital worlds to provide an enhanced experience for consumers. The idea of phygital is to offer people the best of both the tangible, in-person experience...