Articles and Videos

Hiring public speakers isn't a new trend. But in 2024 and 2025, as virtual fatigue sets in, demand grows for live events that create unique experiences and human connections. Forward-looking conference and event planners increasingly are hiring public speakers and looking to tap into professional...

Organizations who hire strategist consultant firms today face increasing competition and rapid changes in their external environments, making long-term strategy more crucial than ever for success. In other words, disruption is now common, and uncertainty the new normal. It has elevated demand for a specialized...

For simplicity's sake, strategic coaching and consulting speaks to advisory services aimed at helping business leaders make decisions to reach their organizational goals and optimize performance. It involves taking a strategy based approach to identifying issues/opportunities and developing solutions.Specific points to know about strategic coaching...

When reviewing an organization's strategy, there can be confusion between business strategy and corporate strategy. Though the pair have overlapping elements, these terms represent two distinct levels of strategy with key differences that business leaders need to understand.Business strategy refers to the approaches, tactics and...