Articles and Videos

Performance marketing suggests a targeted digital advertising strategy focused solely on metrics and demonstrable returns from marketing campaigns and activities. The approach emphasizes direct response marketing designed to provide measurable, trackable and attributable results.Unlike brand-building marketing, performance marketing spotlights driving and optimizing specific actions that...

Marketing automation hints at software platforms and technologies designed to streamline, automate, and optimize repetitive marketing tasks and workflows. The primary thrust is to save human marketers’ time while boosting operational efficiency and driving more effective campaigns overall.In practice, marketing automation handles tedious or time-consuming...

Immersive technology touches on advanced systems that create perceptual simulations which convincingly immerse users in digitally-enhanced surroundings, interactions and narratives. More colloquially, immersive tech aims to make you feel like you’ve stepped inside a computer-generated experience that seems authentic by fully encompassing your senses.Immersive experiences...

Hyperlocal typically describes a very narrow and geographically defined community or market. Typically, the term hyperlocal applies to online news, goods, services and events centered around a specific city neighborhood or small town area.The premise of hyperlocal is ultra-targeted concentration on the needs, interests and...

Gamification is the application of typical elements of game design and game principles in non-game contexts. It entails using game mechanics like point-scoring, challenges, rules, rewards and player competition to motivate target behaviors in environments unrelated to games, like schools, offices, stores and more.Effective gamification...

Content management is the process of creating, editing, organizing and publishing digital content across platforms. It involves managing the content lifecycle from ideation to final distribution using a CMS or content management system.A content management system is technology that enables users to develop, manage and...