Articles and Videos

The future of beauty, fashion, and cosmetics continues to look brighter and more inclusive with each passing day. In addition, as consumers become more conscious about the ingredients in their beauty products and the impact of these products on the environment, companies are responding by...

Wondering how to do strategic planning like a futurist? It may help to note that every futurist and futurologist consultant applies a different approach to strategy planning, trends forecasting, and analysis. At the same time, it may help to note as follows, depending on how...

Futurism is defined by some as a movement and a way of thinking that focuses on the future and anticipates the potential developments and advancements that might happen. By this definition, it is an approach that has been embraced by many fields, from technology and...

As associations keynote speakers and futurists, we're often asked: What's the future of association management? After all, associations have been around for centuries, serving as networks for individuals with shared interests and goals. However, the future of associations is likely to look vastly different from...